Monday, January 4, 2016

How I made my first $1,000.00 in one week in 2015

2015 was a great year for me, I accomplished my goal to step up a second stream of income for myself. 
I wanted to create a form of passive of income, a term I was introduced to in Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad. Passive income is "income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it."  
My passive income came in the form of releasing my first book, Thriving Tool, a motivation book for young adults. Below I'm going to break down how I made $1,000.00 in the first week of selling my book. 

The product. I worked for a entire year to build a product worthy of consumers. I studied others books(products), and figured out how I could offer something of value you to a specific audience. Keep in mind that I'm talking about how I sold books, but the break down of how I applied things applies to anything you wish to sell.

Capitial. Every month I tackled a new aspect that would eventually bring the book to life; from paying for an editor, the cover, copyright, ISBN and barcode. I knocked out the expenses one by one, and lastly I put a down payment on the copies of Thriving Tool.

*Master P, Rapper, Business Mogul taught me via one of his interviews where he gave out some advice that I took advantage of and it was this that before you can sell a million copies, you have to sell 10, so I focused on selling one copy at a time. 

Selling. Most of my sells came from social media; Instagram, and and friends, and some people who had saw it on my pages, and thought it looked interesting. In the first week I stole the first 100 copies for $10 a piece. With the help of those around me, I focused on selling one at a time, until I stole every last one of them. And then just invested that money to buy more books. 

If I had to leave some valuable information with someone looking to take control of their life, and accomplish something that they always wanted to do. I would say study, study, and study whatever it is you want to do, whether it book music, writing, or boxing. So that you understand the ins and outs of what your trying to do. Next ask for help, we all want a mentor in arm's reach giving you the game to accomplishing tasks but sometimes you have to seek mentors and ask for help from strangers or take in advice for mentors far away, even if its from a TV interview. 
Lastly believe in whatever you do, we all have to start somewhere. 

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