Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What happens when we grow apart

I saw an old picture of me and some of my friends and it warmed my heart and took me back. I learn at an early that people grow apart. When I was elementary school I thought my best friends then would be with me forever. Forever is what I believe, it was hard for me to figure that wasn't the case. It has always been hard for me to let go, when I'm attached I'm attached... It begin to seem like everyone would always leave in my life. So you can imagine graduating from middle school I already knew what to expect as i entered high school, a new chapter with new friends. I've come to the conclusion that as we move from Elementary to middle, to middle to high school and so forth we drift apart, our lives begin to take different directions, and that's okay. Hard to accept but it's okay... I just know all you can do is cherish those moments. But I have managed to keep some of those friends, and they have been a blessing. I'm forever grateful for those relationships.

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  1. As I continue to read the book Letter's to a Young Brother. Hill Harper touches a little bit on the friend subject and he goes to say; you can't pick your family but you can pick your friends. So pick friends who you wish were your family and as I was reading this I was thinking about all the many friends I have had over the years and the ones that I have encountered while in college, friends might drift away as we get older and fallow our own paths in life but you will always have family and the friends I have will always be my family no matter how we travel in life



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CEO Everlecia Taylor