Saturday, July 19, 2014

7 Major Changes that Allow for Self-Improvement

Today, I'm sharing simple but potentially life changing tools that have improved areas in my life and more certainly things that I feel can help improve yours as well if you give them a shot.

#1) Spending Time Alone 

 I have found that I have learned a lot about myself when spending time alone. I got a chance to learn what I enjoyed and didn't enjoyed without factoring in others feelings.  As I learned more about myself it was easier to learn and observe more about others while out.

#2) Daily Reflection

It's the daily goals that we set that allows us to eventually accomplish the major goals. And from personal experience I feel deeply that a little daily reflection is a game changer because when you force yourself to answer 'how can you improve for tomorrow', you come up with answers and you make little improvements that turn into big ones.

#3) Reading

1. It improves your reading skills. 2. Improves your social skills. 3. Because I said so lol.

#4) Writing Down Ideas

The best way I can think to improve yourself, is to simply think of ways to do so.  Example. the idea of cutting bad habits

#5) Working on Passion Projects

When I was working long hours at the mall making what seemed to be a lot of $, I still didn't feel more alive until I'd come home and start working on my book. I think it gave me hope that I was still moving forward to do something I love for a living.

#6) Reward your Progression! 

No matter how old you are, you still have the little kid in you that feels good when your hard work is noticed, so before anyone else starts notices, you reward your own progression and celebrate yourself.

#7) Help me Come with the last Self-improvement Tool.

All you have to do is comment a useful tool below. Please and thank youuu.  Also, if you have found this article helpful please share it with a friend.


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CEO Everlecia Taylor